Friday, May 31, 2013

The Ultimate Doll, #7, The Final Chapter!

+++++++Chapter #7 The Final Chapter. +++++++++++++

The electrical shock-current was kept at a level that was very sexually erotic to the girls, coursing through their bodies the current made them so terribly horny and excited. But, as they discovered quickly, every few minutes the flow would increase dramatically and amp up rapidly to a level that was beyond normal human endurance. Their shrieks of pain were music to the ears of the Master. Then as quickly as it came, it would return to a tolerable, sensual level. Don could not believe that seeing his beautiful wife suffering the tortures she was experiencing caused his cock to engorge to rock-hard stiffness, but it did, and he relished the thoughts of her experiencing even harsher punishments. He had often day-dreamed Lynn being savagely tortured by a strong, ominous looking stranger as he stood by and watched her undergo torments beyond her tolerance. Her screams were music to his ears, as he saw her in his mind undergoing Dolcett-like tortures.

Master lowered a large, easily visible thermometer into their prison of blue was left at their eye level. Slowly, the temperature was creeping higher and higher. The warm solution was now uncomfortably hot, and getting hotter by the minute. The girls soon realized that the temperature increase was causing the fluid to thicken. It was now like heavy oil, very viscous and getting thicker by the minute.

When the temperature reached 115*, it stopped rising. They were very hot: almost to the point of passing out and suspended in what was now almost solid, like partly dried silicon rubber.

Both girls had orgasmed several times from the wonderful feeling that electric current coursing through their bodies gave them. The high- intensity pain-jolts had stopped completely, they were now in a full pleasure mode, and enjoying every second of it.

Lisa found that her hands were now free; apparently the bindings were melted away by the heat and the fluid. She reached forward and with some difficulty, was able to reach behind Lynn’s back and free her from her bindings that were nearly melted as well. With their arms interlocked behind each other, they were able to pull their bodies together in an embrace that shared their lustful passions. Their mouths touched, and as the electrical current increased to the next level, it caused an even greater level of sexual tension as the fluid reached its final state of hardness, locking them together in their embrace.

Near trance-like in their state of mind, the electricity coursed through their bodies causing spasm after spasm of erotic sensations to flow through their bodies. The girls fell into a deep, sleep-like state for what seemed like hours, unable to move, and unable to think. Their bodies were reacting to the powerful electrical stimulus, nothing more.

Awakening after their extended sleep, the girls found that the fluid was beginning to return to a water-like state. The temperature was going down, and with it the viscosity. Now able to move slightly, they found it difficult to separate after such an intense session together.

Being completely submerged in the fluids was not even on their minds, they were breathing freely, even though they were saturated and submerged in the fluid. They heard a gurgling noise, looked up and saw that the level in the glass tube was dropping quickly; the level dropped below their chins, freeing them to again breathe freely in the air. As the fluid emptied out of the cylinder, it began to rise over their heads.

They were not able to speak to Master as their lungs and abdomens were filled with the bluish goo. The Doctor instructed them to bend forward, pull up on their stomachs and cough, emptying their lungs and allowing them to again freely speak and breathe the air. They were so happy to be free that they hugged the Doctor and Don, professing their undying love for them both.

The Doctor explained that they were now not exactly all human: they were as they had wished. They were rubber dolls that were alive! He went on to explain that they could now enjoy long sessions of oral sex in pools, hot tubs, etc... All designed to excite their Masters and satisfy their desires. As Don looked at the girls, he noticed something different. Lisa was now much more Eurasian looking and Lynn was too... they both had jet black hair that was longer, and considerably thicker and fuller than before. Don could not fathom how the girls could look Eurasian, as neither of them had any Asian blood.

Lisa had grown bolder, more outgoing, and much more dominating than before. Her breasts had grown to almost double in size, and were projecting straight forward with no droop at all. Her nipples were erect, hard, and very pronounced with the gold rings so prominent. Her vaginal lips had disappeared, and there was a simple opening about the size of a nickel present.

The Doctor took Lisa by the hand and walked her across the room to the iron maiden.

“It’s now your time, my dear,” he smiled and said. “When you reappear, you will be perfection in all ways physical.”

He told her not to fear, it will be very dark, extremely hot and tight fitting, with absolutely no movement possible. There will be considerable pressure on her body, and once inside, no communication or escape is possible until the procedure was completed.

“I am ready, my Master,” Lisa softly spoke.

The Doctor opened the front of the iron prison: he backed Lisa into it and after a soft kiss to her lips, shut the door and securely bolted it shut.

Switches were thrown, and the sound of the procedure beginning could be heard, the inner partition began to slowly move forward, crushing Lisa into the mold that would forever be her new body style. She felt the relentless movement forward of the apparatus she was so harshly encased inside of. She thought that she would surely die as she was being crushed into a steel form that seemed impossible to survive. She felt the inrush of very hot, thick, oil-like fluid flowing from her head down to her toes, sticking to her body as it seeped in.

The iron prison quickly filled, covering her completely, and allowing the reforming to be completed. She no longer felt pain, just an erotic pressure from her toes to her head. She felt the heat rise to an almost unbearable level, and as the fluids exchanged, she fell into unconsciousness. Unknown to her, the Doctor had uncovered a second iron maiden next to hers, and pointing to Lynn, said,

“Would you like a second ride, my love? It could be very unusual when you exit.

“YES, Master,” she said without hesitation.

“Don’t you wish to know what will be the results?” he asked.

“NO,” she said, “Do with me as you wish, Master,” Lynn replied.

Her Master looked at her and shook his head to acknowledge and approve. With that, the Doctor opened the second maiden, Lynn entered willingly, and smiled as the heavy steel front was shut and bolted closed. Lynn felt the hot liquid start to flow over her head and into the maiden. The rear form was beginning to press her forward into the front half, she was anticipating the results.

She could feel that her now perfect body was once again being altered to a different configuration. Her already tiny waist was being crushed smaller and more wasp-like. Her hips were being reformed to become absolutely, perfectly, shaped. She knew that she was undergoing a major change that would alter her life forever.

As the tremendous pressure of the steel dies stopped advancing, she was unable to move even the smallest muscle. Her face and neck felt as they were being crushed beyond tolerance as her every feature was being reformed like clay in a mould.

With that, she felt the unmistakable feeling of slipping into a sleep like state once again, but not before she felt the unmistakable feeling of several needles being slowly pressed into her body: her breasts, cheeks, abdomen and her groin were all being pierced simultaneously. The needles soon began to infuse a chemical concoction that burned wildly as it coursed into her, but as she was so constricted, she could only remain there and accept it. The burning pain was so intense that Lynn begged silently for deliverance from this torture, but it was not to come.

“We need to talk,” the Doctor said to Don, “There are some things we need to set straight and for you to understand, and that I am sure that you will appreciate.”

“I see that you are very taken with Mai-Lin, your appreciation of the deep beauty of the Eurasian female is quite normal, as they are undoubtedly the ultimate in visual sexuality. With your permission, I would like to give your lovely wife Lynn a sensual, Eurasian appearance, and alter her body to the level of the highly erotic. How about 38 inch breasts, an 18 inch wasp- waist, and perfect 36 inch hips?

And, with your permission, I will alter her ability to refuse your demands to zero. She will be 100% compliant, sexually charged 100% of the time, and absolutely true and loving as she naturally is. She will have no shame, and be yours to order and direct.”

“Wow,” he said... “Sure, go ahead with it.”

“Lisa, on the other hand, is a different subject all together,” The Doctor continued.

“But, that’s another story entirely. It is my desire to change her into a test model for you to appreciate. She will become an insatiable slut. She will crave your wife and become her full-time lover as well as your Barbie-like whore. She will be beautiful beyond belief, a true rubber doll with no chance of return. She will crave tortures and punishments, and with them, she will grow in her fullness of sexuality. She will grow a second clitoris, this one in her ass, allowing her to climax twice as she is fucked by two men. Do you accept this?” the Doctor finished.

“Hell, YES,” he said.

The Doctor then told him it was time for his second session and as he led him to the operating theater. Don smiled widely.

Strapping him down, Doctor laughed.

“With every thing I give, I take two.”

Several IV tubes were inserted into Don, now lying helpless on the table. Fluids began to course through his veins. He noticed that all of the hair on his body was being brushed away by the Doctor. He was becoming hairless, except for his head. Two large needles were injected into his nipples, and two into his balls... Painful, but none the less done.

Doctor smiled as he told Don that he would soon also begin to grow a clitoris in his ass as well . . .! He told him that his ass would now look and feel exactly as a pussy does, he would be dually sexed in a way that no other person ever was.

“You will no longer need to have a bowel movement, your food will all become liquefied and pass through your pee,” he was told.

“Naturally, your piss will be greater, and much more frequent, which will also allow you to continue to feed both of your lovely ladies without fear of running out. Your mind will now contain the sexual signals of both a man and a woman, you will begin to seek out huge, hard cocks to fill you, you are now my newest transsexual experiment!” exclaimed the doctor.

As Don tried to speak, he found it nearly impossible. The fluids were affecting him in so strange a way that all his fiber of being was absorbed in the rush of feelings that were sweeping over him. It was as if his brain was being reprogrammed at lightning speed. As he faded off into a sleep-like state, he could see the Doctor gleaming at him, smiling as he continued the experiment.

Master awoke some time later, only to find himself standing upright, zipped firmly into a thick, latex sleep-sack without any holes. His mouth was filled with a mouthpiece allowing him to breathe.

He heard Mai-Lin speak to him through the latex, she told him that he would now be heated and moulded to allow the process to finish.

With that he heard the sound of hydraulics move, he felt heavy shell like forms surround his body and start to crush him, the temperature began to rise quickly, he was sweating profusely inside the latex. Unable to speak or move, he simply accepted his fate to come. A sharp stabbing pain shot through his chest, the feeling of two large injection needles were being thrust into his breasts, entering his nipples, then withdrawing as rapidly as they were inserted. The pressure on his abdomen, hips and legs was nearly unbearable.

When he was sure he would be crushed to death, the pressure lessened. The temperature, now nearly 180*, began to fall as well. As his body cooled, he felt hands on his body, removing the latex covering. His eyes were blurry, but the sight of open space was a treat. A bit shaky, he was brought to a chair, and allowed to rest as Doctor examined him.

“Perfect!” he exclaimed.

“Come here and look at yourself in the mirror,” the Doctor motioned.

Don rose, and walked to the mirror. Unable to comprehend what he was looking at, he felt as if he was in shock. His once rugged body was now transformed into what could only be explained as Pamela Anderson-like. He had perfectly shaped hips, a small waist, pert, firm breasts, smooth skin, shapely legs and arms, and a face that only vaguely resembled his former persona, but absolutely feminine. His hair was now thicker and longer. His lips were full, his hands were long and slender and his penis was least 9 inches flaccid.

“Oh my GOD,” he exclaimed, “What have you done to me???”

“You are now the first of many to come,” the Doctor said.

“You will see tonight at the party what is in store for you and your ladies. Now you will return to your room, rest and dress for the evening’s event.”

Returning to his room, with the help of Mai-Lin to steady him, he immediately fell on the bed and slept for hours. Dreams swam through his head, making no sense to him. He was confused, frightened, and a strangely excited as well. When he awoke, his first thought was to look in a mirror again, just to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.

He wasn’t . . .

Mai-Lin entered the room and told him it was time to dress. She ushered him to the dressing area and began the process. He was first handed a bright pink latex catsuit, it had zippers everywhere, and was sensational in its cut and appearance.

As he slipped into it, he felt a rigid rubber dildo pressing into his rear, taking a deep breath, he pulled the suit up and it slid into him, causing a rush of sexual excitement. His rear was now a pussy, and the feeling of the rubber cock against his clit was fantastic. The suit had formed breast-cups which served to accent the firm breasts he now had.

Mai-Lin then put a black and pink latex corset over the suit and pulled it tight, shaping his hips and waist to their new limits. He had difficulty breathing with the corset on, but somehow, he liked it very much. Black and pink thigh-high, platform boots were zipped on, and his head was covered in a matching hood with latex strings of hair cascading to his waist. Black latex gloves and a locking posture-collar finished his outfit.

Walking back to the barn with Mai-Lin, Don felt the dildo in his ass start to cause him the breath heavily. He was starting to have his first anal orgasm with his new pussy!

She stopped and held him as he climaxed with a shuddering moan.

As he recovered, she told him that he would need to get used to spontaneous orgasm, as it would be frequent, and very powerful.

He just gulped and continued to walk.

Entering the barn, he was amazed to see nearly 50 people already there. About 15 were men, the rest ladies. The ladies were all dressed in the exact same outfit, only their colors were different. They all had on thigh-high boots, a very short, pleated micro skirt, matching halter or crop tops, wrist bands, collars and long, sexy wigs.

Lynn was dressed in beautiful silver metallic material that shone like a brilliant star. Lisa was adorned in the finest gold lame’. Don looked at them both and immediately wanted to fuck them until he could no longer stand. Most of the men attending were wearing tight, black leather pants with a hole in front, allowing their huge cocks to hang free, a body harness of heavy strips of leather adorned with many steel rings and fittings, and high heeled biker boots.

He was the only androgynous person there.

He, Lisa, Lynn and the others all mingled, talked and got to know each other better. Their stories were somewhat parallel to theirs. Some had been converted over 5 years ago, some newly converted.

Don’s libido was soaring, his cock felt like it was going to explode. The Doctor walked over to him, seeing his plight and told him to unzip his catsuits crotch.

“You are now a Master, now act like one, and fuck as many ladies as you wish. Feel free to feed as many as you wish also, your piss is nearly limitless. The more you feed them, the healthier they will all become.”

The Doctor motioned to the crowd. The others knew exactly what to do. The men prepared their cocks; the ladies all either kneeled down with their mouths open, or bent over holding on to the tables.

The events that followed can only be described as the most prolific orgy since Roman times. Sex was everywhere. The new Master, Don, fucked dozens of times, losing count of the ladies he had serviced. He fed nearly all of them too, pissing out about five or six gallons, he thought.

When finished, he stopped to rest and hold his dear Lynn, but was himself ordered to bend over a nearby table by one of the men. He felt hands on his hips as he was entered and fucked wildly by him. He didn’t know how to feel, this would be an unthinkable act to him before, but he loved every second of it, orgasming over and over. As the first man was done with him, the next took hold and used him. This continued for nearly an hour, he had been taken by all of the men there! Don lost count of his orgasms, he was now a pleasure unit, devoid of any other thoughts.

He could feel the gallons of cum spilling out of him as each man withdrew and the next took over. Lynn approached him as he was trying to regain his composure.

“Kneel down, my love,” she said.

He did, and with that, she lifted her tiny skirt and placed her engorged cock into his mouth, filling his throat, and began to pee. She drained herself into her Master’s throat, filling his stomach with her nurturing piss. Don did not gag, he did not have trouble breathing, he simply allowed the huge flow of piss to fill his abdomen, swelling it against his tightly confining corset.

Lisa was watching, and instructed Master to lie down, as she kneeled over him, pressing her pussy into his mouth and filing his belly with her bountiful piss. Master likewise, swallowed every drop of her golden nectar, filling his body with the nurturing juices.

As the party wound down, the Doctor took the stage and asked for quiet. He had an announcement for all to hear.

“You have all gotten to know each tonight. You have seen my crowning achievement: his transformation is complete, and unchangeable. Those of you that know me well may ask to be transformed yourselves. This may be possible for some of you. Now that you have all taken each other’s fluids into yourselves, you are all family. You can and always will have a sixth sense that will allow you to seek each other out, no matter where you may be. You can and will all feed off of each other, nurture and help each other breed. You ladies are able to reproduce, but only once a year, on the exact date of your birth. Your offspring will grow up as you are now, rubber dolls. Your children will grow rapidly, reaching the equivalent of teenager in just 3 years. They will remain appearing to be 25 years old forever.”

“Our work here on Earth is now nearly done. Those of you wishing to be part of the new breed of transformed souls can reach it tonight, by just taking the infusions we have set up for you in the back of the barn,” the Doctor finished.

Seven of the man left the room for the transformation infusions as the Doctor spoke.

“I have trained a few of you to carry on for myself and Mai-Lin. We now must go. Time is near, the stars are nearing alignment. You must all understand that we are ambassadors from the planet TransSexualvania. Our duty here is finished. We have located the most prolific examples of mankind and altered you to ensure that the galaxy will continue to flourish. Our deed is done, we now return to our home with the knowledge that you can and will continue our work.”

With that, the Doctor and Mai-Lin took each others hand, walked outside, shaking hands and hugging each and everyone in attendance.

As they walked across the field, they stopped and looked upwards. Mai-Lin blew a kiss toward Lynn and smiled.

An ominous, dark cloud approached the field. As it hovered over the farm, a strange humming noise was heard. The sound was unearthly, and caused everyone to stare motionless at the unusual formation of clouds.

Suddenly, a beam of unbelievably bright light illuminated them, and with a noise louder than anything Don had ever heard, Mai-Lin and the Doctor disappeared into the light.

The cloud dissipated, the noise stopped, and everything was as it was before.

Quiet. Very Quiet.

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