Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TheUltimate Doll, Chapter #6

Hello All,
It seems like LUSH stories has threatened me with expulsion if I submit more parts of this story, So, here it is for all to enjoy. it's too bad that their narrow minded moderators feel threatened by this simple fantasy-fiction work, BUT with over NINETY THOUSAND hits on my stories in less than 6 WEEKS, I must be doing something right.
Please let me know if you enjoy this kind of work, I have many more ideas...
And thanks to my husband for letting me use his Blog for this!

START, Chapter #6

Lisa had been warned that this was her last chance for salvation, if she proceeded, her journey into the world of the Master-Tormentor would begin.

He again told her that this was her last chance to stop, she could return to her mundane life if she so desired, because from now on, it would be full speed forward for her.

She said “YES” at once, obviously without a seconds thought.

He then cranked the rollers tighter, pulling the chains tighter and tighter, watching Lisa’s expressions as the chains stressed her body to its limits. Stopping at a point that pleased Master, he pointed at Mai-Lin to fetch a tray of medical items which were placed nearby. As Mai-Lin dutifully placed the tray on the edge of the rack, Don could see the contents: several golden rings, long steel needles, syringes, and many vials of bright, colored, fluids.

“You will now receive your piercings, my dear,” he said.

Without hesitation: he took a long steel needle, grabbed hold of Lisa’s left nipple, and with the other hand, picked up a syringe from the nearby tray.

He hesitated for a second, and said,

“I was going to inject you with some pain-killer, and give you a ball-gag to bite on before I penetrated your body, but I have decided that I love to hear your screams of glorious pain, so I will forgo it all and enjoy your agony.”

Lisa swallowed hard, unwilling to think about what was to happen. Before she could get too deep mentally into her plight, the Doctor-tormentor grabbed her left nipple again, and thrust the long steel needle into it, leaving it centered in her rock-hard nipple and protruding from the other side of it. Lisa screamed loudly, her pain was almost unbearable, more than she had ever experienced before. Obviously excited, the Doctor took the second, long, cold, steel shaft and repeated his penetration, this time of her right nipple.

\Don was shocked at the sight, but visibly excited as well by her obvious terror. He was not used to this sort of S&M play, but he basked in the passion of the deed as did the Doctor-tormentor. Lisa’s screams were subsiding, her face filled with tears, but not of pain, they were tears of joy. She was pleased at her ability to please her two new masters.

Taking the third needle from the tray, the Doctor-tormentor pulled the skin from around her navel and while elevating it, pushed the needle into and out of her navel, causing more agonizing screams to fill the air. Her pulling at the chains to try and free herself had stopped; she was now fully able to understand the passions of submission. Looking at the tray, a fourth needle was still remaining. Lisa wondered to herself what task it would be put to....

She would not have long to question. The Doctor told her,

” You did very well, child, but now, the final test is here. I will spread and clamp your pussy lips wide open, fill your cunt with a very large dildo to position your clit for then penetrate it with the last needle.”

Lisa was near climax, the pain was so erotic that she could only hope that what was to come would surpass that which she had already endured. Lisa took a deep breath and closed her eyes in anticipation. She had no way out of her torment and that was exactly what she had wished for, and wanted. The Doctor took a cold, steel clamp, spread her lips wide open and clamped them. Then the long, wide, steel dildo was positioned deep inside of her, forcing her to a limit that she had never taken before. The feeling of filling and the stretching of her vagina caused a pleasure/pain response that left Lisa wondering if she liked or hated what was happening. Next, he grabbed her clit with an instrument, and taking the long, thin, needle, he passed it through the clit with no hesitation. She screamed more loudly than ever, her cries filled the room, causing the men to become even more visibly aroused.

Lisa came with a mind numbing orgasm that spread over her body like a sheet of euphoria.

The Doctor-tormentor then motioned to Mai-Lin to take over: she slowly removed the needles, one by one, and replaced them with large gold rings that would be forever part of the new rubber-doll to be.

Don and the Doctor-tormentor moved to Lynn’s side as the final drops of her infusion cascaded into her veins. Lynn was already feeling the giddy tingling of her inner-being, knowing that her transformation was nearly finalized. She was to be this way for ever. The Doctor told Lynn that she would now be even more compliant, more obedient, and more willing to serve without question or reward. Her giving would be total, and selfless.

The Doctor instructed both Master and Lynn that their future well being would now be dependant on each other. Her new Master would need to ingest the fluids that his lovely dolly produced, at least three times each day, and likewise, she would need to reciprocate. Her need, however, was more involved due to her rubber-like composure. She would need to drink the pee that her Master produced as her main fluid of sustenance, his cum would be her only source of the hormones that would keep her fully functional and healthy.

Master, likewise, would require the ejaculate that Lynn was to produce, it was the only source of the enzymes that would make Master the superman sexually that he desired. Lynn’s pee would provide him with his stamina, his strength and his ability to stay youthful looking as well.

The Doctor then cautioned them about one problem... They could not exist strictly on each other’s fluids... they would require the ingestion of someone else’s at least once every 15 days to keep well and strong.

“You both are now to be somewhat of a vampire, you will need others to stay young and healthy,” he cautioned.

They asked the Doctor if anyone would do, he told them that,

“Yes, anyone would be OK, be they male or female, but preferably someone that was likewise changed and infused with the new hormones that they had received.”

Doctor went on to say that they could receive the fluids in any fashion, and as long as they entered their bodies, they would be absorbed.

“Not to worry, though, twice monthly we have a sort of a party here, all of my children are welcome to come, enjoy, and feast on each other’s fluids. Tomorrow is such a party night, and naturally, you are all welcome to participate.”

They then untied Lynn, helped her up from the table and hugged as they excitedly discussed their new lives.

“How about Lisa?” Lynn questioned.

“She will be fine, I have a special future in store for her,” the doctor answered.

With that, they walked toward her rack of torture. The Doctor and Don loosened her chains enough to relieve the pain in her extremities. Looking at Lisa, Lynn could see that her body hair was nearly all gone, her features were softening, and the lines in her skin were disappearing. Her lips were enlarging, and her general visage was changing from the Lisa she had known to a new person, yet to fully emerge. Lynn asked Master to look at Lisa’s face: it seemed to have some oriental features emerging.

“I don’t see it, Lynn, besides, Lisa is English,” he said.

Reaching over to Lisa, Master took hold of one of her breasts,

“Look here, Lisa, you are at least one size larger already, and rock-hard as well, your tits stand up like mountains.”

Master was not known for his sensitivity in such matters, even when he was performing his duties as the Doctor, but his observations were correct.

Looking between Lisa’s legs, Master could see that her pussy lips were shrinking, she was becoming very small and tight, quite a delight for Master to anticipate. He then undid the chains and straps that had held Lisa to the rack. Lisa was helped to stand up, Master could see that she had indeed changed, her posture was perfect, her tits stood out like steel cones, and her body was nearly perfect and blemish free.

Pointing to a mirror nearby, Master told Lisa to look at herself. She did, and was speechless. She had never imagined herself as such a radiant beauty, and a living, rubber, fetish doll.

In a very different and softened voice, she replied,

“Thank you, Master, I am your slave to serve you and to be used as you see fit.”

The Master acknowledged her and instructed her to follow him... which she did, and without hesitation.

“You too, Lynn,” he said.

Arriving at the St. Andrew’s cross, he motioned to Lynn to face the cross, arms outstretched. He then instructed Lisa to take Lynn and bind her strictly to the cross, eliminating any possibility of movement. Lisa did without question or hesitation.

“Are you ready for your daily dose of pain, my love?” he asked.

“YES, Master,” Lynn responded.

Then, to her amazement, the doctor picked up a very severe looking cat-0-nine tails and handed it to Lisa.

“You are to use this cat to flog your best friend until she I deem that she has received the proper amount of punishment, do you understand me?” he ordered.

“You are not to stop, to lessen your blows, nor to show any mercy, do you fully understand?” he finished.

“Yes, Master, I will do as ordered, she is to receive the best that I have to give.” Don was absolutely shocked that he was hearing this... but it was true. Without a minutes thought, Lisa took up the cat, dipped it into a pail of salt water that stood nearby and began to savagely flog her best friend from shoulders to calves.

Lynn moaned, screamed, and cried out, but to no avail. It was as if she was speaking a language that nobody understood. Lisa was relentless in her flogging. Lynn’s back turned red, then blue, and puffed up in chevron rows. Oddly, not a drop of blood was shed. It was clear that Lynn was bloodless! After a few minutes of flogging, Lynn’s screams turned to the unmistakable moans of orgasmic pleasures. She was receiving the pain/pleasure that kept her sane and happy, this was not a terrible thing that was happening to her, it was a reward for her good behavior.

The harder she was flogged, the louder the moans of delight were heard. As Lynn began the trip into her own subspace, she gradually slipped into the dream-like euphoria of sub-space that only a true submissive can understand. Lisa knew exactly when to stop, and allow her to finish the trip through sub-space unimpeded. Don shook his head in disbelief. The doctor then told him that this was to be his duty to his wife, she needed the pain to develop the pleasure she required.

“You’re not hurting or harming her, you are helping her,” he said.

”Look at her back,” he pointed, “It is already starting to heal.”

The doctor was right, Lynn was already starting to regrow her rubber like flesh, and her wounds were starting to go away. Amazed, Don acknowledged his duty and agreed to do his part. Looking at her legs, Master saw that the juices of her orgasm were flowing to her feet, she had ejaculated so much that she was standing in a puddle of her own making!

Awakening from her sub-space, Lynn smiled at her Master and thanked Lisa profusely for her flogging, but said that,

“Next time, Lisa, Please do it hard...” Master and Don were in disbelief.

Master cut his love down from her cross and after kissing her softly as lovers do, she turned to Lisa and hugged her in the most passionate way possible. Lynn kissed her deeply and obviously with tremendous emotional feelings, for her best friend that just finished ripping her back to shreds.

Lynn could feel the changes in Lisa’s skin as they hugged, she was soft, pliable and very sensual feeling. The doctor hastened to the girls, ordering them to redress in their clothes, and follow him, which they did. Don followed along behind the girls. As they reached the large glass cylinder in the back of the dungeon, they stopped. The doctor pushed a button raising the cylinder to about 8- feet off the floor. The girls were ordered to stand on the bottom discs that the cylinder had been sitting on.

They were then given a strange looking snorkel type device, it had 2 matching mouth pieces, and a long tube connected to the middle of them, which went straight upwards. Each girl was instructed to bite down on the mouthpiece, and not to let it go. In order for them to breathe successfully, they were told to take turns, one breath out, the other in and so forth. To do otherwise would not allow them to receive any air at all .After a minute’s practice, the girls hands were tied behind their backs with strong leather lacing and their ankles were likewise attached to each others ankles.

The doctor then reached up and took hold of a cable that hung from the top of the suspended tube. At the end of each of the wires in the cable were clips to attach wires with. Systematically, the doctor attached a wire to each girl’s clit ring, and her nipple rings, but not before manually fingering each girls pussy, and tugging on her nipples. The cylinder was then lowered, encasing the girls completely. The base plate was then firmly attached to the cylinder, making a water-tight seal.

Don could see the fear in their eyes, as the cylinder was locked down tight. They were helpless, tied and bound, and unable to move or climb free. The doctor then smiled at them and turned a wheel that allowed a transparent, glowing, blue-green liquid to flow into the cylinder, gushing over their heads as it filled. As the fluid reached their waists, he stopped the flow. Not too bad, the girls thought to themselves. The fluid was warm, about body temperature, and felt like light oil, slippery, and with the soft sent of fruit.

The doctor then asked them if they were ready, a few grunts later he assumed that they said OK....

“Don’t forget to share your air, girls, and don’t worry about getting it into your eyes of nose, it is fine.”

“What did that mean,” Lynn thought, “It is only waist deep...”

Then she knew what he meant, the fluid was slowly creeping higher up on her, it was just below her breasts and rising. No time out was coming, the fluid crept up slowly, teasing as it went, higher and higher. The fluid stopped again, as it sat just below Lisa’s nose. Her mouth was covered, and she and Lynn were working out the breathing again.

“Any last words, girls?” he laughed.

“Not funny,” they thought and began to try and talk, but with no avail.

The fluid started again, this time there would be no stopping. Their heads were slowly immersed as the fluid stopped about 18 inches above their heads... The first stages of fear were starting, but they fought it gallantly to keep alive. Lynn and Lisa felt the fluid start to creep into their unprotected noses, and run into their throats, they tried to expel it through their mouths, but with no luck. Would this be their end? Lisa thought. Somehow, the fluid did not bother their eyes at all, they could see quite well from within the juice. More and more fluid was cascading down their noses into their stomachs, and their breathing became difficult as it was now going into their lungs too... Panic was full speed ahead... They were sure that they were slowly being drowned by their captor.

Don did not know anything, standing there watching them, apparently well and safe. They had no way to communicate. Then, Lisa was first to feel a trickle in her breathing tube... Lynn next felt it and knew that they were in trouble. She valiantly tried to make husband know what was happening, but he stood there smiling, fingering Mai-Lin’s wet pussy as she was drowning. The girls tried to hold their breaths, but to what end? It would only buy them a minute or two....Lynn gave up first, taking a deep, full breath, of the 100% fluid into her aching lungs.

Nothing bad happened...she took another breath, no trouble breathing... Lisa then gave up and started to breathe the juice... the same thing happened to her...

Unable to fathom what was happening, the girls saw the doctor hold up a card to the side of the cylinder. It read,

“Let go of the mouth pieces, you are both fine, no harm will come to you.”

They both did so, and the tube was pulled up and out of the cylinder, they were now breathing 100% fluid, no air at all!, and with absolutely NO troubles. Another card was placed for them to read, it said:

“Enjoy you’re new found lives, you do not need air any longer, rubber dolls can breathe under water!”

“Now, push forward and kiss each other like you mean it,” the card finished.

Lisa and Lynn looked at each other and did just that, with a deep soul-kiss of lovers. Immediately, as they finished, they felt the unmistakable feeling of electrical current course through their bodies, the wires attached to their pussy rings and nipples were now energized, the flow of the TENS energy felt good, so very good.....

The temperature of the juice felt warmer to Lynn, and air bubbles started to form, like in an aquarium.

“Are we now fish,” she thought?

BUT,, thats in the next chapter...Coming soon!

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